Monday, April 9, 2012

I've been tagged... x3!

Oh my goodness! Where do I start.. I've been tagged 3 times by the wonderful ladies @ Rubber Boots and Shoes, Apples and ABC's, and Pencils with Pizzazz. Thanks for allowing me to play along! Make sure you check them out if you haven't yet!

Here Are The Rules:

  • Post these rules
  • Answer the 10 questions that the tagger posted for you
  • Create 10 questions of your own to ask the people that you're about to tag
  • Tag 10 people and link them with your post (and let them know they've been tagged)

First Up... Sandi's Questions from Rubber Boots and Shoes:

1. What grade do you teach? I teach a K-4 multi-age class.

2.  What advice would you give to a new  teacher.You can't do it all in one year!

3.  What classroom item could you not live without? My Mimio Board.

4. What is the last book you read (non professional). The Help

5. Flowers or chocolate? Flowers

6. If you one day woke up and decided you didn't want to be a teacher anymore, what would you like to do? No idea, i've never had any other thoughts than being a teacher!

7. How do you spend your time outside of the school day? Uhmm... is blogging an answer?

8. What is your favourite TV show? One Tree Hill

9.  What's your favourite time of year? Summer

10. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Africa - and i'm going this summer :)

Okay, next up is ... Michelle's Questions from Apples and ABC's:

1. If you could teach any other grade, what would it be? 
I teach K-4, I already have it all in my mind :)

2. What is your favorite beverage? 
Vanilla Coke

3.  What is your favorite store to shop for goodies for your classroom?
Teachers Pay Teachers

4. What inspired you to start blogging? 
Other fab. bloggers!

5.  What is your favorite unit/lesson that you have blogged (add link)? 
I'm lovin' my newest one - Don't Pollute...Give a Hoot!

6.  Would you rather teach at a year-round school, or traditional school (what is that called??)? 
Traditional School - I love my summers!

7.  Are you reading The Hunger Games? 

8.  If you could travel anywhere, were would you go? 
Africa - as mentioned above, I'm going this summer!

9.  What is your favorite jungle animal? A

10.  Who is your favorite children's author? 
Mo Willems

Last, but not least are Lou's Questions from Pencils with Pizzazz:

1. What is your favourite literacy resource? Small Group Instruction by Beverly Tyner

2. What is one piece of advice you would give someone that wants to be teacher? When your having a bad day remember that some of your students are having their best day just by coming to school.

3. What is one piece of advice you were given that has stuck with you? Make time in your personal life because school time can take it all up.

4. If you could be anything OTHER than a teacher, what would it be?
I answered this above, I really don't know! 

5. What subject would you say you feel most comfortable teaching? English Language Arts

6. Who inspired you to become a teacher? My Grade 2 Teacher

7. What is your guilty pleasure? Eating junk food

8. One teaching moment that really challenged you? When I student told me the best part about their day was when they get to come to school. (so sweet, but really so sad when you think about it, especially in this home situation)

9. Favourite read aloud? Anything by Mo Willems!

10. Funny teacher moment? Okay, I know I have a ton but no great ones are coming to mind - i'll be back with an answer for this one!

Okay, so I am tagging these fabulous ladies:

Ms. Patterson @ Pocket Full of Kinders!
April @ Chalk Talk

Here are my questions for you!

1. What grade(s) do you teach?
2. How long have you been teaching for?
3. What is your favorite subject/unit to teach?
4. What classroom item could you NOT live without?
5. How many students do you have in your class?
6. Can you post the link to your favorite TPT item? 
7. What is your favorite easy after school meal?
8. What do you like to do other than teach and blog?!
9. What is your favorite teaching resource?
10. When is your summer vacation? (Mine's not until June 29th!)

Thanks for reading my L-O-N-G post and playing along!

Looking for Earth Day activities, have you check out my unit here yet?


Tammy said...

I love Mo too. Africa? Sounds like an adventure. You need to read The Hunger Games.
❀ Tammy
Forever in First

Sandi said...

I love reading Mo Williams too! Pigeon is too funny!

rubber boots and elf shoes

Kim said...

Hi Kaleigh! Thanks for joining my blog. I've been on since January and still have not reached 100 followers. I think there's a blogging secret I don't know about. :(

Any hoo, I'm am now a follower! :)


Jeanine and Lauren said...

Hi Kaleigh!

Thanks so much for following our blog! It is so good to find another Manitoban blogger out here in this large teacher blog world. A Manitoban blog meet up is a must! Sounds like so much fun!

We are happy to be your newest followers!

Lauren & Jeanine

Creative Curriculum Corner

Chrissy said...

Thank you for tagging me! I posted at if you want to stop by and take a look.
 Chrissy

First Grade Found Me

Anonymous said...

Great blog.I’m your newest follower. Please check out my blog if you get a chance. Calling Plays in 2nd Grade.

Stephanie said...

Hi nice reading your blogg