Tuesday, January 31, 2012

TAG - I'm It!

Angela over at The Daily Alphabet has tagged me in my first ever bloggy game! I have to tell 12 things about myself, then answer 12 questions from the person who tagged me, and then create 12 brand NEW questions!!!! Whew!!!! That sounds like a lot, but here goes!

1. I have just recently started my own blog after many months of blog stalking! I`ll admit, it`s been tougher than I thought!

2. Aside from teacher blogs, I LOVE pinterest! I`ve found sooo many awesome ideas that I’ve used in my classroom already!

3. This summer I am going to Africa to help build a school – I am ALL kinds of excited about it and I can`t wait!

4. I absolutely love musicals. This coming weekend I am going to Beauty and The Beast!

5. I teach Kindergarten to Grade 4 in one classroom! Some say it sounds crazy but I actually love teaching a multi-age class!

6. I got a Cricut machine for Christmas but I really need someone to help me out with it! I think I have the basics but I know it is capable of so much more!

7. Recently I`ve been having thoughts about going back to school to work on my Post-Bachelors degree – any insight?

8. I think I may even love it more than a SmartBoard because there is not an actual board taking up space when it is not in use!

9. Last week I went to an incredible PD session on Children`s Art in Literature – I must remember to share more in a later blog post.

10. I am a sucker for reality T.V. Is that a good thing or a bad thing …. well I’m still not sure!

11. My favourite colour is purple.

12. I love spending my summers relaxing at the cabin!

Ok – Onto Angela`s Questions:

1.  If you were not a teacher, what would you be?
If I were not a teacher, I would probably run my own daycare, I love children!

2.  Paper or plastic.
Paper? I am obsessed with buying coloured paper to create materials.

3.  What is one thing that you wish you had learned when you were younger?
I wish someone would have told me to take advantages of any travel opportunities possible. My schools often had trips planned and I never took advantage of the great opportunities L

4.  What advice would you give to novice teachers that you wished you had received?
I`m only in my third year of teaching so I am still a novice teacher learning from others too!

5.  Do you like technology? Why or why not?
I love it when it`s working! Nothing is better than being able to interactively learn in the classroom with technology.

6.  How and why did you begin blogging?
I began blogging to share my ideas and TPT items with the many other teachers I blog stalk on daily basis!

7.  Do you have a class pet? Why or why not?
Nope. It`s not allowed at my school.

8.  If there was one thing that you wished you were allowed to do in your classroom, what would it be?
This is a tough one but I would LOVE to paint my classroom! I`ve seen many classrooms with murals or `clipart` that has looked so cool!

9.  What is your classroom decor style?
Bright colours and lots of student work displayed.

10.  Where do you want to be in 3 years?
I hope to have a full-time permanent job in the city that my boyfriend and I decide to reside in after he completes university.

11.  What is something that you wished you would have done differently in the beginning of your teaching career?
I think it is really still too early for me to tell only having 2 years under my belt!

12.  What will you do this weekend?
I`m going to the Beauty and The Beast musical – seriously cannot wait!

My 12 Questions:

1.   What is your favourite children`s book?
2.   Where is your favourite place to shop for teaching stuff?
3.   Where would you go on a dream vacation?
4.   What advice do you have to new bloggers like myself?
5.   What is your favourite T.V. show?
6.   What do you do to relax after a long day at school?
7.   If you HAD to pick the blog that most inspires you, who`s would it be?
8.   What is your favourite snack food?
9.   How many years have you been teaching?
  10. Can you describe your classroom in one word? What is it?
  11. What is your favourite educational website?
  12. Will you purdy please follow my blog? J

Now to tag new blog many? You guessed it, 12!

(Well, seeing as I just started my blog and only have 3 followers this is tricky, but hopefully these blogs that I have newly found will follow me!)

Angela and Kelly @ Glyph Girls
Graylyn @ Graylyn's Blog
Kristen @ Gingersnaps
Barbara @ Grade ONEderful

Thanks for playing along!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Here's a February calendar for you to enjoy! You can use it in your classroom, for your classroom newsletter, or just for personal use!

I would love to hear from you if you grab a copy!


Monday, January 16, 2012

My first freebie for YOU!

I'm still getting used to this whole blogging idea - but I wanted to make sure I shared a little preview from my latest TPT product. I would l-o-v-e some feedback as I continue to learn on my new adventure! 

Click the picture below for your Snowman Number Practice freebie!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ringing in the New Year ...

with a new blog!

Well here I go – attempting to create my first ever blog! I could say that it is a New Year’s resolution of mine, but really I am just in need of a place to debrief, post ideas, share my resources and FINALLY become a follower of the many great blogs out there that I have secretly been blog stalking following for what seems like forever. You are all truly amazing people who have already taught me so much, you`ve given me inspiration, great ideas, and many laughs!

A little bit about me…
I am a Canadian girl in my third year of teaching. I teach a multi-age class of 15 Kindergarten to Grade 4 students. What can I say, that alone keeps me on my toes! But, I wouldn`t have it any other way!

Happy New Year Bloggers!