Sunday, March 3, 2013

My first CURRENTLY, and some 'Truffle Tree' Love

This is my first time {finally} linking up with Farley!

Listening: It's Sunday morning and my house is silent. Perfect for blog stalking and drinking coffee. :) 

Loving: March; is a sign that Spring is almost here and that the snow is melting.

Thinking: Of report cards, so much to do, so little time!

Wanting: Spring Break! 19 days and counting!

Needing: Family Time. I feel like I haven't seen my family in so long, it's time for a visit home.

Like: Krispy Kreme. You wouldn't believe that it was my FIRST time trying Krispy Kreme this past week. That's what happens when your from Canada and have Tim Hortons I guess ;)

Love: Kindergarten. My kindies are doing AWESOME! They have shown so much progress from the start of the year it has truly been AMAZING!

Hate: Kitchen. My kitchen that is, it's a mess, and i'm procrastinating to clean it!

For more Currently Fun, head on over and visit Farley!

Have a celebrated Dr. Suess's birthday yet? I'm SO excited to have a Suesstastic week with my kiddos. It's always such a fun time of the year. I'll be using a lot of activities from my "A Love for Truffle Trees" unit. Click on the picture below to head on over to my TPT store to take a peek!


Barbara L said...

Except for the Krispy Kremes (which I've never eater ... also Canadian:) I could have written your Currently:))
Looks like we're in the same space right now.
Good luck with those reports and enjoy your spring break. We're almost there.
Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

Lauren said...

Oh shoot- we already celebrated Dr. Seuss day! Your packet looks adorable though!!



Jenny said...

I would love to try Tim Hortons. I've heard so much about them!

As for the kitchen - I'm with you there!

Suntans and Lesson Plans

Unknown said...

I love March, too!! It's my birthday month!! Krispy Kreme is pretty much awesome!!

vicky1970 said...

Kaleigh - Love family time for sure!!! I just posted about a truffula tree snack - maybe you can use it with your class. Cute stuff!
Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

Troy said...

I enjooyed reading your post